Friday, December 31, 2010

if only you can listen to this and realized that i really love you!

2010 memories

2010 has been a unforgettable year for me, firstly this year i meet new friends , so many things happened to my life, i meet my bestfriend.
also this year, i made mistakes, i learn too!
when i thinking of it. it makes me cry, after awhile 2010 was gone.
i have to say good bye to that good year and move on
i hope 2011 will be a rockass

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

                                                              my album in my dreams.
                                                               REBELLE FLEUR.


After we splashed water to them, they go home already, after that me and daddy yo still continue swimming, after that we just chit chat , i really love chit chatting with him, he makes everything fine, haha!! back to the topic we chit chatting the whole day,  after we go swimming we go steam room, omg its so hot, haha but its fun inside, we sweating together inside. haha, the most hilarious thing is, he lick his hand to try the sweat, wtf?!  haha after 40 minutes we go out the steam room, hahas! then suddenly uncle lamb called us and say he bring something for us to eat, then we go back to the swimming pool again, haha and we chit chat already after 1 hour they come already, then eat my dinner, changed clothes play billard again! then play video games, then go home

Monday, December 27, 2010

today is a very very unforgetable night too!

i'm loving my day, today i supposed to go to school and meet uncle lamb awhile then go home, but suddenly daddy yo ask me to accompany him to go to his club house! oh wrong , i mean i ask him to go with me to his club house to play billard, at first she want girls to come, then i say FOR WHAT?! after that i tried to call Nicole , one of my friend, but she don't want coz she say its AWKWARD ! Aiya if she don't want just say don't want, i dont like people making so many reasons then in the end they just gonna disappoint you, haiz nevermind back to the topic. after calling her, we called Yi Jing and Sharen to go, OMG! for the first time they dont make so many reasons and i'm happy about it, after that we straightly meet them, then went to the clubhouse. After that we play pool already, after 1 hour Sharen was complaining that she was very hungry already, then i told her i just finish the game then i accompany her go buy. after the game we went to dhoby to find the damn instant noodles . we kept on finding, after one hour! finaly we found the noodles,  now when the time we reached the clubhouse, we cannot find spoon and fork , i think we finding spoon and fork for 30 minutes, then some stupid ideas go inside my mind, i take the cap for water , the paper thing one, i fold it into like stick then i told them to used it. at first they say if its successful, i'm gonna try it, then it came successful.after that we went to swimming pool to chill, omfg, the water was soo cold but its nice, after that sharen and yi jing leave the place already, coz we splash water to them....

                                                                                                                           TO BE CONTINUED......

Saturday, December 25, 2010

i'm not really sure wether today is christmas, i dont feel it, but i think it is, firstly we just stay at home the whole day then we just go out to go to church. then after that we supposed to go out for dinner, but it was posponed for tomorrow . then tomorrow i suppose to go out with my besty, omg. so i tell him to posponed it on 27. then suddenly me and him almost fight, damn ! its christmas,  then suddenly we almost fight.

Friday, December 24, 2010

today was a great , firstly its christmas, I went to orchard!
its very crowded

Thursday, December 23, 2010

today was a great day for me, though i don't have enough sleep. i use laptop for the whole night, then at 5am bath , and prepare to work at school. after a bath eat my breakfast, then toothbrush then leave the house. after that i take first train, omg it was so early, then i sms my bitch shuling to wait for me to her house coz i'm gonna fetch her. after fetching her , i chit-chat with her awhile at the playground and i show-off my new shoes! (boastful). after that, we straightly go to Houggang Mall to meet my gaga Zhehao. we were sitting inside the macdonalds for around 20 minutes, then after that i treat them the breakfast since its christmas. haha!! then after we eat, we go to school to work .ayts! when we work omg, when i saw the sec 1 , i miss my sec one times, and realized the time was very fast , now i'm going to sec 3 already... i think i get 5 customers, 5 each for us, some of the parents was damn funny, haha. After 3 hours the aunty as us to go home already,GOSH its only 11:30 that time, i cannot go home so early coz i told my parents that i'm gonna work 7 hours.


after we work for damn 3 hours, we eat lunch together in kovan community club, the food is not bad though, coz its a western. haha! i eat baked rice. after that we chit-chat inside. haha, after 1 hour we play billard, then suddenly my daddy steve called me and ask me where am i, oh my, he suddenly ask , wtf i thought he were busy, even though its not. haha. omg and he ask me wether i want to go to his clubhouse, since i miss him then i just go lo, and i give my gift to him, wtf he never say thanks, haha but he sms me and say thanks, when we there daddy steve keep on irritating my bitch shu ling, until we go home we keep on irritating her. haiz today was tiring day but its a wonderful day! bye mwuah!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

i told my mom last night that i want to buy laptop, using my salary and i just need a few bucks to buy, but then again she say, i keep the money first, so next time she will buy iPad for me, i dont know wether its true, i hope so. haha! but now i don't know , in the first place i don't want to buy. i only want a digital camera, so i can capture good memories, i'm sick and tired of using my camera phone, the camera is not bad but its quite laggish.
so i dont know i hope i can buy camera.

btw later i'm going to work and meet my gaga zhe hao, and my bitch shu ling, after work we going for lunch together, then after that i planning to put my gift to yi feng to his bed, but i don't know how, coz he say he going out the whole day, i think i should sms uncle lamb, so the aunt (maid) will open the gate for me. i really really hope he would appreciate my gift for christmas...its already 4 plus, later at 5 i'm gonna prepare already ,bath, i think i should drink coffee coz i haven't sleep yet. so yea.

i really hope he would love my gift.
I am not a perfect person,
And I don't try to be.
I am just another imprisoned soul,
That is longing to be set free.

I don't want to be in this place anymore,
I don't want to shed anymore tears.
I'm sick of always hiding inside of myself,
This has gone on for too many years.

I don't want to show my emotions,
Or to tell you how I feel.
I just want to know the difference,
Between what is fake and what is real.

I'm just another lost soul,
That is waiting to be found.
I'm just another liability,
That you don't want around.

I'm just falling through the air,
And I'm about to hit the ground.
But I don't expect anyone to catch me,
Because no one wants me around.

No one really cares about me,
They just ignore me everyday.
No one really cares enough,
To even ask me if I'm okay.

what is friend

A friend is someone who understands and
someone you can trust.

They will listen to you both night and day without ever making a fuss.
A friend will stand by your side when you are right and sometimes when you are wrong.

They will hold you up when you are weak and provide support to make you strong.
A friend's love is unconditional and unique in every way.

And when you have problems a true friendwill kneel with you and pray.
A friend will stand by your side through thick and thin.

And whenever everyone have deserted you they still will be your friend.
A friend once said to me that a friend is sent from God above and I believe this to be true.

Because God has sent a friend to me and that friend to me is YOU.

My Best Friend
Today I found a friend,
Who knew everything I felt.
he knew my every weakness,
And the problems I've been dealt.

he understood my wonders,
And listened to my dreams.
he listened to how I felt about life and love,
And knew what it all means.
Not once did he interrupt me,
Or tell me I was wrong.
he understood what I was going through,
And promised he'd stay long
I reached out to this friend
To show him that i care
To pull his close and let him know
How much I need him there
I went to hold his hand
To pull her a bit nearer
And realized that this perfect friend I found
Was nothing but my mirror.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

meet my new bestfriend, spongebob . haha! every night i hug him, all thanks to my sister, she gave me, haha

Monday, December 20, 2010

long lost friend. :/

i cannot believe that he will contact me. omg
suddenly the memories blink to my mind.


i can't wait to be 18,
 i can do what i want
. i cant travel with my friends,
i hope this is not the end of our friendship.
this days you seemed so cold to me.
i dont know why, i never do something wrong.

for the first time i entered branded shops. OMG!

OMG for the first time, i entered Gucci, Burberry, Armany exchange and so many.
OMMGG! i really can't believe it. haha

this photo was taken inside burberry. haha

Sunday, December 19, 2010

once upon a time there was you and me.
in my dreams. :(


cold then cold la, nabei jibai.
dont fuck around la,
cold to me because i smoke?
so what!
its not your problem anymore la
no wonder, your retarded.
you really belong to other class, FUCKER!
in the first place, i don't care much already
you keep on stopping me from what i want
you go and obey all la, you will miss the fun
too bad la , i smoke, your not.

I'm so gonna miss this class!
its been a good time i spend with them
i hope next year, they still be my best friend
especially this special people like : sharen, yi jing, shuling, dominic, zhehao, russell, and specially steve.
Life is too short to wake up in the mornings with regrets. So love the ones who treat you right, forget the ones who don’t. Remember that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance take it, if it changes your life, then let it. No one said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If we were to go through our life without any obstacles, we would be crippled. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. Give every opportunity a chance, leave no room for regrets.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

my bitch shu ling, played the rollercoaster swing. lol
memories. omg! i'm gonna miss this so badly
i really hope nothings gonna change.

Daddy yo's gift.

this strap is effin nice,i don't care wether it fake or real
i cannot believe that he didn't forget me. haha!
i'm lovin it. actually he gave me keychain before as a birthday gift but
i lost it. sadded. :(

i'm so gonna confess what i feel.

firstly, i don't know who to trust. I don't know wether my friends care for me, or just making use of my advantages.
i don't know wether my friends love me, like how i love them. everything seems so fine, but in the end its not.
i can say last time i don't care wether my friends care for me or not, i don't even give a damn about them, they can walked out in my life, its okay with me, last time, i kept on changing friend because i think i'm too demanding. but now i realized that its very hard to change friend . coz you give your trust to that person, then suddenly you'll just gonna argue and hate each other, it happened to me, maybe it happens to me for a reason , to learn the lesson to cherish my friends.

 i was very closed to this person, that time my whole world was spinning around him, then suddenly we argue because he said i'm changing, after a days passed by, we ignored each other, days come to month, after that, we say sorry to each other, but i know in my mind that, if he is my true friend, he can accept me of what i am... at first he tried to make me jealous, of course for me, its very sad, because youll see your ex-bestfriend that making you sad... as a result, i told myself to move on. and at first i used someone to make him jealous too, i know its bad thing , but i got no more choice.

then one day an old friend , come back to my life, give me life again, i confess to him that at first i was using him only to make my ex bestfriend jealous, but i told him that its not gonna happen anymore, because he made my world happy, i realized that no matter what happen to you, someone will be there for you and make you move on. but now i'm scared to lost this boy, because now my world is spinning around him. but i hope god gave me this guy to be my bestfriend forever.

  • i love being your friend..doing little things to brighten your life and watching you burst into a warm smile dat say “thank you for being you” – but what i like most is how YOU and I became friends. there are no demands, no using each other, no pretentions, no lies.just letting those wonderful feelings to grow and in return realizing that being friends is a rich and rewarding experience especially when that friend is YOU. dat makes all the differencein the world. glad to have YOU around…

How i treat my friends and specially my best friends.

i treat my friend, very good, i can give my life to them.
i can sacrifice everything for my friends, no matter what happens i'll be there for them.
sometimes we argue, having misunderstanding, sometimes i fight with them, but it don't means that our friendship is not so strong, its just a test how can we carry on to the next level.

''A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walk out.''
i love you guys , i hope, nothings gonna change even though we'll be seperated next year.

tonight! is the night.

tonight was so fun. omg! my besties didn't disappoint me, eventhough at first i was so pissed, they still made my night perfect. even though steve is so irritating but nevermind, since his my besty. ohmygawd. tonight is one  of the most unforgetable night for me. no matter what happen they were beside me.

Btw, this photo was taken in the carpark near to my place, we go chit-chat then take photo as a remembrance , i so love my friends so much ...
my world is spinning around them



haiz they all pissed me off.
nevermind then. haiz! nothing much to say.
byes! <3

Friday, December 17, 2010


Life is so complicated.

Sometimes I get you, Sometimes I don’t understand.
Sometimes I love you, Sometimes it's you I can't stand.
Sometimes I wanna hug you, Sometimes I wanna push you away.
Most times I wanna kiss you.

if only you can love me like how i love you.
but no matter what happens, i'll be there for you.
no matter what happens, i wont leave you.

MY SIS PArtey!!! :)

Today is my sister's party. omg i didn't give her a gift.
nevermind she's only 1 year old so never mind
can't wait to see my bestfriends haha!!
steve and shuling and maybe sharen, woots.
hope all of them can come

Smoking and Grounded :( !

OMFG! i cannot believe that i was being grounded for 3 months,
all because of smoking. my parents dont let me go out with my friends!
WTF?! i know i made a mistake and must pay for it but its quite long though,
haaiz! i dont know wether i can survive without going out with my friends, fuck!
haaiizz i must finish the 3 months ... and i'll be back!